NORSIRK is a producer responsibility company, and we are measured by how much we decrease the environmental impact for our customers. We are the leading EPR scheme in Norway, together with being an Authorized representative for EPR, waste management and take-back systems. We have decades of experience taking producer responsibility for some of the worlds biggest brands. This grants excellent quality and a strong performance in all aspects of collection and recycling/reprocessing.
Invests in processes and systems for producer responsibility
As we are non-profit organization we are able to invest heavily in processes, systems and tools that benefit our customers in all aspects related to battery recycling, Weee-waste and packaging disposal. Our key deliverables within producer responsibilty are control, insight, compliance, best value for investments and an industry-leading recycling utilization.
A proven take-back system
We deliver a well-functioning take-back and recycling system that ensures the proper treatment of environmental toxins, minimizes the amount of waste that ends up in landfill sites, and helps reduce energy consumption and emissions of climate gases.
Owned by trade and interest organisations
We were founded in 1999 and are owned by the Consumer Electronics Trade Foundation (Elektronikkbransjen) (30%), Norske Elektroleverandørers Landsforening – NEL (30%), ICT Norway (30%) and Abelia (10%).
Contact us
Hege Skodje
Postal address:
Norsirk AS
Postboks 6454 Etterstad,
0605 Oslo
Company email:
Company phone: +47 4000 4201
NORSIRK er godkjent som produsentansvarsselskap på EE-produkter, batteri og emballasje.
NORSIRK er sertifisert etter
– ISO 9001 og ISO 14001
– Avfallsforskriftens krav av DNV
Innspurten 1A, 0663 Oslo
Telefon: +47 4000 4201
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